21st Century Education


Today's educators speak of 21st Century Education. They allude to:

  • Critical Thinking-and-Doing
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Cross-cultural Understanding
  • Communication
  • Computing and ICT Literacy
  • Career and Learning Self-Reliance

Today's educators speak of 21st Century Education. They allude to:

  • Critical Thinking-and-Doing
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Cross-cultural Understanding
  • Communication
  • Computing and ICT Literacy
  • Career and Learning Self-Reliance

It has become axiomatic. The inventive potential of the well-trained mind, the importance of STEM mastery, the primacy of innovation and creativity, the explosion of information and exchange. All essential to 21st Century Education, and all of which together propel our own future innovators into a world of possibility - as Today"s Learners and Tomorrow"s Leaders. 


IAA has developed its international, inquiry-based curricula to incorporate areas of learning which are necessarily skill-based, competitive and forward-looking. While the entire learning approach at IAA hinges upon 21st Century educational principles, IAA also perpetually seeks to incorporate new topics, methods and frameworks to ensure IAA students remain current. Towards this end, IAA integrates the following curricula into a world-class programme already rich in skill-development and creative thinking:

  • Design Technology
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Coding
  • Enterprise
  • One-to-One Computing

IAA has developed its international, inquiry-based curricula to incorporate areas of learning which are necessarily skill-based, competitive and forward-looking. While the entire learning approach at IAA hinges upon 21st Century educational principles, IAA also perpetually seeks to incorporate new topics, methods and frameworks to ensure IAA students remain current. Towards this end, IAA integrates the following curricula into a world-class programme already rich in skill-development and creative thinking:

  • Design Technology
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Coding
  • Enterprise
  • One-to-One Computing

The extra-curricular Robotics and Formulae 1 Teams are also an ideal fit to IAA"s goals, with their clear links to the modern approach to lifelong learning. Students enjoy opportunities to showcase their talents at local, regional and international competitions, at which IAA teams have excelled in the past.

The well-researched benefits of participating in fields like Coding, Robotics, Formulae 1, DT, and ICT are both wide and deep. Such technologies deliver a fascinating blend of theoretical and practical experience. They transform students into dynamic seekers of knowledge, active participants in their own education. Children show initiative and independence. No longer are they passive recipients of information. IAA works to refine students" creative problem-solving skills, research acumen, and ability to effectively work in teams. Students employ proactive collaboration and communication, producing tangible solutions to given challenges.

IAA Libraries and Information Literacy

The start of the 21st century has been referred to as the” Information Age,” an era in which the world has witnessed an unprecedented explosion of information output and consumption on a global scale. The International Academy - Amman ensures that its students are fully equipped with the skills needed to effectively find, retrieve, analyze, and use this information. 

The start of the 21st century has been referred to as the” Information Age,” an era in which the world has witnessed an unprecedented explosion of information output and consumption on a global scale. The International Academy - Amman ensures that its students are fully equipped with the skills needed to effectively find, retrieve, analyze, and use this information. The renowned IAA Libraries thus lay at the very heart of the school"s 21st Century Educational approach, not only providing vast sources of information, but also the most advanced information management and literacy tools. The IAA Libraries are dynamic and interactive learning spaces that support nearly every aspect of the overall curriculum.

IAA has one of the largest Resource Centres in Jordan and perhaps the Middle East. These innovative centres of creativity and research consist of three fully-staffed libraries and a Media Lab. The combined resources comprise over 90,000 print resources via DESTINY, our online library catalogue, thousands of online sources through Universal Search, over one thousand online eBooks, subscriptions to Questia, SIRS Knowledge Source, eLibrary Science, Oxford Online Reference, Newsbank and more. All three libraries are accessible 24/7 through the IAA school webpage: www.iaa.edu.jo

The Media Lab in the Secondary Library is a hidden jewel on campus. Students have access to all the tools needed to assemble an audio or video project from start to finish, including recording equipment and professional video editing software. In the Media Lab, students have access to the computers, designing software including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, editing and a variety of other programs.  We have cameras and video cameras available for check out. Students utilize this equipment, and our facility allows students the opportunity to produce professional work of the highest quality. Available for all grade levels, we provide support for MOODLE and Turnitin.com. The IAA Panorama, showcasing the best of student work online, is produced here. Working in collaboration with teachers via the Informatics Curricula, our two media technologists work with students to incorporate new online tools into the learning process.