
There are four, large and well-equipped Science Labs in the Secondary School.


Each Lab room is designed, arranged, and equipped to support the requirements of each science. The Labs are airy with more than adequate ventilation and natural sunlight. Each Lab contains six fully equipped stations for both group and individual experiments. There is also, in each Lab, an interactive whiteboard to help explain scientific experiments and concepts and to provide additional resources through a data show. Support for the sciences is provided by two technicians who work in the two separate preparation rooms.


Ensuring student and staff safety is uppermost at IAA, and so chemicals are stored according to CLEAPSS specifications in a secure prep room. Labs have fume cupboards, showers, and eye baths; gas detectors, and fire extinguishers. A wide range of specialist equipment such as an incubator and oven is also available.


In Primary School, there is a fully-equipped Science Lab to conduct Primary Science Curriculum experiments.